
Do you know what really irks me?? That my Town seems to be getting lazier and lazier. The newest thing now is our Library. Due to winter time, it changed it’s hours for 6:30 and not 8:00. Seriously, don’t you think they would want to stay in from the cold !? Not only is the place poorly organized, it is really becoming lazy. It’s not the workers, per-say. Mostly the business, though little of the workers. Sure, a few are nice, but they got their days. It is really irritating the way this Towns going to shit. Seriously, now the Library ?? You want to begin the day at 9:00 to 6:30 ?? That is just .. gah! Laziness !!!! Might as well not open at all !!!!


Something I just read. “An engagement ring is a symbol of the promise of marriage. It is also a symbol of the commitment to join as one in a lifelong relationship as husband and wife. In American culture engagement rings are common because it is a pledge of love and is a symbol that a woman is no longer available to be courted by other men. The act of wearing an engagement ring lets other men know that the woman’s feelings are “engaged by somebody else.”
Many people feel that the engagement and the offering of an engagement ring to a woman are extremely important. ( I do ) In western society a woman wears the engagement ring on her left hand, on the second last finger. This is the same finger that her wedding ring will be placed on during the wedding ceremony. The engagement ring is given after a marriage proposal is accepted and it is representative of the agreement or pledge to marry in the future. In some countries the second last finger of the right hand is where the engagement ring is worn.”

It is a symbol of LOVE. A symbol of commitment. A symbol that SHOWS they want to be with you Forever. Not something just written. A ring proves they love you and only you and wills commit to only you. It shows you they want the entire world to know. Like it is a thing they want to scream out to entire world from a Roof Top. It shows they are not scared to show the world who they are in love with that they plan to spend the rest of their lives with even grow old with. It shows it that much. It is important to girls. 🙂


Someone needs to get their panties unbunched.

Alright for other people to leave their shit on a table in a place and walk away, but not us, to use another to CHARGE their Computer because of a place not having enough PLUG INS NEAR TABLES.
I am so holding my tongue right now because It is Complete BULL SHIT. Yes, I ranted, I am allowed. Freedom of speech. Always seems that this one person always targets us when it comes to freaking yelling at someone. You need to get your panties unbunched or frankly, get yourself laid. Thank You !!!!

Staring .. really

I am sitting at the Library, working on College work, there comes in a obese girl with her boyfriend. They sit a table next to us and she kept staring at me like I was fatter than her or something. Or that she thought I was going to steal her boyfriend, if it was her boyfriend, heller dear, I have a boyfriend and he is a hell of a lot better looking than yours. I got a man, not a boy. Put your sunken eyes back in front of you and stop staring at me. I don’t want your man, I am skinnier than you, and prettier. That may make me sound egotistical, I’m not, just sick of people who’re like that.

Hallelujer !!!! – Madea lols.

Caroline and Enzo or Caroline and Stefan or Caroline and Klaus !?

Now, someone of you may be a shipper of Klaroline aka Klaus and Caroline, maxresdefault

  but something’s happening lately in the newest Season of The Vampire Diaries. In Season 6,

Caroline and Enzo (Lorenzo), show interest in each other.


At the end of Season 5,

Caroline and Stefan showed interest in each other too.


Now who you ship ??

Caroline and Klaus ??

Caroline and Stefan ??


Caroline and Enzo ??